Erbs palsy

Erbs Palsy Negligence Claims – Specialist Medical Negligence SolicitorsErbs Palsy Negligence Claims

Erb’s palsy is a condition that can occur in new born babies as a result of medical negligence. If you believe your child has this condition due to medical negligence, it is definitely worth speaking to a specialist solicitor to find out more about your options as you may be able to make a claim against the medical professionals in question.

Erb’s palsy is something that normally originates during labour and often happens if the shoulder of the baby becomes stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone during delivery. If the medical staff then pulls on the baby to dislodge it, this can cause the palsy to develop.

A common sign of Erb’s palsy is when a baby is able to move one arm but not the other. It is likely that the arm affected will be hanging loosely by the side of the baby’s body. The condition is also known as brachial plexus palsy.

Often, as long as the nerves are not severed, this paralysis will only be temporary and most children will regain the use of their arm. They might still experience some weakness and difficulty with the area, though, and some serious cases might need to be rectified through surgery.

Erbs Palsy Negligence Claims – common causes

If you are thinking of making a medical negligence claim due to Erb’s palsy, this will normally fall into one of two categories.

1. If you think the baby was handled negligently or that proper procedures weren’t followed.

2. If you believe that shoulder dystocia should have been anticipated, but a caesarean section was not arranged.

Factors affecting Erbs Palsy Negligence Claims

There are several issues that may affect the success of your claim. If you meet one or more of the following conditions, you may well have a good medical negligence claim:

• Medical staff failure to estimate the weight and size of a large baby, as this can increase the risk of problems during delivery, such as Erb’s palsy.

• Maternal diabetes being left undiagnosed or untreated, as this can be more likely to lead to a large baby.

• A caesarean section not being performed even with good clinical reasons for doing so.

• Unnecessary force being used on the baby during delivery, which then resulted in injury.

• Proper procedures not being followed once shoulder dystocia was detected.

Speaking to a medical negligence solicitor about your case will help you determine whether you have a claim. If you do, your solicitor will then be able to advise you on next steps and guide you through the claims process.

Erbs Palsy Negligence Claims – don’t delay getting the right advice

If you think your baby’s erbs palsy could have been caused by medical negligence – call us today. Firstly we will try to provide you with initial advice on whether you might have a claim and, secondly, collecting evidence for any medical negligence litigation is always easiest when we are instructed at an early stage.

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